Unable to Purchase a Monitor from Amazon?

For the past few months a number of customers have found that they are unable to get a monitor shipped to Minnesota from Amazon. It recently happened to us and we decided to look into it more. We don’t have a definitive answer, but it may be because of this state statute: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/115A.1318 from 2006 Read more about Unable to Purchase a Monitor from Amazon?[…]

Missing Disk Performance Monitors in Task Manager?

Windows Server doesn’t show Disk Perf monitors by default, but it can make sense for some servers to have. Luckily, it is easy enough to add and it doesn’t require a reboot! Open an “Administrative Command Prompt”Start -> Run -> Type “CMD” -> Right-click the icon and select “Run as administrator” Type “diskperf -y” and Read more about Missing Disk Performance Monitors in Task Manager?[…]

Windows 11 setup without being forced to use a Microsoft Account

Microsoft has been going backwards in regards to consumer freedom by forcing users to create/log in with Microsoft account on a new machine. Last year the Home version of Windows changed the requirement. This year the requirement has come to the Professional version. We heard from so many complaints that we decided to try to Read more about Windows 11 setup without being forced to use a Microsoft Account[…]

VPN Guard service

We are now offering a VPN Guard service! With this service, we can:1. Block most advertisements2. Block known malware servers3. Block Tracking agents4. Block Porn sitesThe VPN runs on Android and newer Chromebooks, iOS, Windows and MacOS. We are charging $3 per month, per device. Let us know if you are interested.

How to fix the Windows 10 version 2004 network connectivity bug

There is a new Windows 10 bug that seems to show up randomly. If you see a yellow “No Internet Access” error triangle in the Windows 10 system tray and can’t connect to the internet in some apps but can browse the web as you normally would, you’ve got the bug. Microsoft acknowledged this bug Read more about How to fix the Windows 10 version 2004 network connectivity bug[…]

Check these Settings on Zoom before you give out your meeting address!

Zoom has recently become one of the “go-to” options for video meetings. Zoom was designed to be easy to use and not require too many settings to work. However, some of the default settings can cause issue for your meetings! Edit 3/31/2020: Since these complaints are getting some traction, Zoom may change the defaults. In Read more about Check these Settings on Zoom before you give out your meeting address![…]

VNC on Ubuntu

After installing vnc4server and trying to connect, you will probably see a grey screen with some check boxes. To resolve this, install some more packages: $ sudo apt-get install gnome-panel gnome-settings-daemon metacity nautilus gnome-terminal And then add the following lines to the bottom of your ~/.vnc/xstartup: gnome-panel & gnome-settings-daemon & metacity & nautilus & Kill Read more about VNC on Ubuntu[…]

Don’t use Bleach/Disinfectant Wipes on your Phone!

With the current COVID-19 news on our minds, it’s a good time for a reminder about keeping our phones/tablets clean! After all, it does no good to wash our hands and then immediately put them on our grubby screens… How would you clean your phone? Many people’s first thoughts are to use Clorox or Lysol Read more about Don’t use Bleach/Disinfectant Wipes on your Phone![…]

Upgrading from HDD to SSD in a Dell PERC H310 (and probably others)

A client of ours has been seeing significant slow downs with their server for quite a while. We have been working with them and their vendor to try to determine what it might be. The most recent change we made was to replace their aging HDD’s in RAID 1 with some SSDs. It was not Read more about Upgrading from HDD to SSD in a Dell PERC H310 (and probably others)[…]

Lets Encrypt Untangle with DNS verification

Previously Untangle required a purchased SSL cert. Now you can do it with LetsEncrypt! While this is unsupported by Untangle, you are unlikely to break anything permanently. Just follow each step and double check the commands. We have installed it on dozens of client’s UVMs and not had a problem yet. The only issue with Read more about Lets Encrypt Untangle with DNS verification[…]

Force Map Network Drive with Local System Account

A client process kept failing because the mapped drive was randomly being lost. This fixed the issue by mapping the drive using the machines local service account. You will need SysinternalsSuite to make this work. 1. Open an elevated cmd.exe prompt (Run as administrator) 2. Elevate again to root using PSExec.exe: Navigate to the folder Read more about Force Map Network Drive with Local System Account[…]

Error 0X80090016 Keyset does not exist, Task Scheduler is not performing tasks (Win XP)

In setting up a very old Windows XP box to automatically reboot each night for a customer machine, I ran into the above error code. This appears to be an issue with a corrupt RSA file. To delete the corrupt file and have Windows recreate it do the following: 1. Double-click My Computer, and then Read more about Error 0X80090016 Keyset does not exist, Task Scheduler is not performing tasks (Win XP)[…]

Getting Streaming to work with Mythbuntu 14.04.2 (Mythweb)

I was setting up a new Mythbuntu server today and ran into a problem getting streaming to work again. These are the steps I had to go through to get it to work again. MythWeb uses Flowplayer to stream files converted from recordings with FFmpeg. The current version of Mythbuntu 14.04.2 has FFmpeg replaced by Read more about Getting Streaming to work with Mythbuntu 14.04.2 (Mythweb)[…]