You can also open up Terminal and type:
lsb_release -a
If you are using a non-LTS (Long Term Support) version, you can upgrade any time. If you are using a LTS version, you have to wait until the next LTS release unless you change file located in “/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades” to allow non-LTS upgrades.
If you can upgrade, go back to your terminal and type:
update-manager -c
This will invoke the GUI software upgrade application. Follow the wizard and more than likely, reboot when done.
You can accomplish much of the same task without a GUI using Update Manager, which doesn’t come installed by default.
In your SSH Terminal, type:
sudo apt install update-manager-core update-manager
Then check for upgrades:
do-release-upgrade -c
After you see the message about an upgrade being possible, run:
sudo do-release-upgrade