Robocopy will ensure that all NTFS attributes (security rights, etc) will be copied and can restart a copy if the network connection is disrupted.
It can be downloaded from Microsoft in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit.
Be aware that if you delete a file in the source folder, this process will also delete it in the mirrored folder when it runs.
REM Uses ROBOCOPY, which is from the Windows 2003 Server Resource Kit
REM Flags are:
REM /MIR – Mirrors filesystem including creating directories or deleting files no longer in source.
REM /LOG+: – Appends a LOG file listing the files mirrored or deleted.
“C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\robocopy.exe” “\\machinename\sourcefolder” “\\machinename\mirrorfolder” /MIR /LOG+:”C:\copylogs\copy.log.txt”